Addovation at Plan 2023

Addovation are happy to announce that we are attending this year’s Plan conference in Jönköping. The conference is an excellent opportunity for us to network with industry professionals and explore new technologies and ideas.

About the event

The conference promises to be an immersive experience for all participants. We’re excited about the chance to visit some of Jönköping’s most interesting companies and learn about their working methods and philosophy. The opportunity to gain insights into the city logistics and supply chain industries from experts in these fields is one that we do not want to miss.

Addovation is always looking for new and innovative ways to enhance our clients’ operations. Attending the Plan conference gives us a unique opportunity to explore new trends and technologies in the industry. We are eager to engage with other industry professionals and share our experiences while learning from theirs.

We look forward to connecting with industry professionals and learning from the experts in city logistics and supply chain management. We hope to bring back new insights that will help us provide even better services to our clients.

Contact us!

Jens-Magnus Andersson is the Sales Director in Sweden

Jens-Magnus Andersson

Sales Director, Sweden