Digitalizing Forestry

What advice would timber industry leader Derome offer other companies planning to implement IFS?

Following a major IFS ERP system go-live in 2020, timber industry leader Derome has successfully united 145 sites across Sweden, Norway and the UK with access to a single customer database and company-wide BI reporting.

The implementation project was delivered by IFS with Addovation as the principal partner. “It was one of the biggest ERP systems launching in Sweden that year, comprising several facets including the integration platform, the PIM platform, MDM platform, BI platform and new website and web shop too,” says Andreas Foda, Head of IT at Derome. “Given the scale and complexity, the fact that it was delivered pretty much on time and on budget within two years is testament to the whole team.”

“To build the best internal team, we interviewed and selected those who were most enthusiastic to join working solely on the program. Successful candidates then recruited another colleague to work at least 50% of their time on the project. It’s far better to overestimate the internal project resource at
the outset, because finding extra resource halfway through is almost impossible. Also make sure every team member knows they have a secure role within the company when the project
is complete,” he advises.

Derome is currently running the latest on-premise version of IFS, and Foda is now considering moving to IFS Cloud during the next 2-3 years.

Download full customer story

The  statements above are an excerpt from a customer story written by IFS. If you would like to read the full story, you can download it here!

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Jens-Magnus Andersson is the Sales Director in Sweden

Jens-Magnus Andersson

Sales Director, Sweden