Addovation believes sustainability is an important area for the organization’s survival and success.
A sustainable future
Our vision is to be involved in creating a sustainable future on a healthy and vibrant planet by taking environmental, social and economic aspects into consideration in our daily operations as well as in our long-term strategy.
This includes complying to all relevant legal and regulatory obligations in the countries where we operate, as well as strive to prevent emissions. We are also committed to contribute to the UN:s Sustainable Development Goals.
Why we focus on Sustainability
At Addovation, we’re committed to tackling climate change and contribute to a more sustainable world.
- Our vision is to be involved in creating a sustainable future on a healthy and vibrant planet by considering environmental, social and economic aspects in our daily operations and long-term strategy.
- We are also committed to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Our green initiatives
Through competence, continuous improvements and active decisions we will achieve our goals.
- We work continuously to improve our internal sustainability management, including regularly reviews and evaluation of established policy documents. We have annual goals on environmental areas.
- As a provider of IT-solutions, we strive to help our customers improving their sustainability performance as well, for example, through digitalization and streamlining of the customer’s processes.
- Our aim is also to inspire employees to make sustainable choices even outside working hours.

By selecting Addovation as vendor you can reduce your own organisation’s environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable world.
- It can enhance your own brand image and reputation, which can be particularly important for businesses that are trying to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
- If resources, such as physical meetings, are handled with care, it can lead to improved quality and cost savings for you as a customer.

If you would like more information, contact us!